Monday, February 17, 2014

The Search for Truth

I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Much of the foundation of my testimony of this Church's truthfulness, is that I know that if I have a doctrinal question or doubt, there IS an answer. Many of the questions I have had have been answered through the Scriptures--the Holy Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price. Other questions have been answered through answers to prayer or to the words of the prophets and apostles since the Restoration of Christ's Church. BUT, there are always answers. It was life-changing for me when once in high school, I had a doctrinal question; I searched the Scriptures and studied and I thoughtfully prayed. After much prayer, the answer that came to me was something like this: "Rebecca, there IS an answer. You don't need to know it now. But trust in ME that there is an answer." I think from then on, I have known that Christ's TRUE Church has the answer to our questions. Many of them can be given to us if we seek diligently and study in faith. Some will be withheld because we don't really need to know them right now. BUT, there are ALWAYS answers. I am starting this blog because I have felt inspired by the answers I have found in the Scriptures and the words of the prophets. My intent is not to be controversial, but to seek God's answers and His perfect truth. I believe wholeheartedly that there is one truth. We can choose to get with the program or not, but only through HIM do we find truth--not because it seems good or it's a popular notion, but because it came from God. I am not in any way an official spokesperson for the Church and I will try my hardest to always share my own thoughts and feelings as such and not claim them to be official doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and certainly not God's. We're all in this journey together--trying to come closer to our Lord. SO, with that, I invite you to join with me in the search for answers. When I receive a doctrinal question, or doubt about my own Church, religion in general, etc., I will post it here with my findings/thoughts/feelings. This is a safe place--at least from me. I will not judge your questions, but invite all who wish to know more to search with me, for Christ Himself promised that if we seek, so also we shall find.

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